台灣性別平等教育協會(下稱「性平協」)將於 2025 年 02 月 28 日舉辦「數位時代的全面性教育:國際交流座談會」,邀請來自美國及荷蘭的性教育工作者,分享各國在數位時代下,透過網路資源進行性教育與青年培力的實務經驗,並進行跨國交流討論。
The Taiwan Gender Equity Education Association (TGEEA) will host the “Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the Digital Age – International Forum” on February 28, 2025. This event will bring together sexuality education professionals from the United States and the Netherlands to share practical experiences on utilizing digital resources for sexuality education and youth empowerment in the digital era, as well as to engage in cross-national discussions and exchanges.
We hope that through the insights and discussions in this forum, we can spark more innovative thinking on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in the digital age and strengthen collaborations between Taiwan and international sexuality education organizations. Together, we strive toward a more inclusive and sustainable future for CSE.
We warmly invite you to join us in exploring the advancement of sexuality education in the digital era!
什麼是「全面性教育」What is CSE?
全面性教育(Comprehensive Sexuality Education, CSE)是聯合國近年大力提倡的性教育模式,旨在透過提供未成年人全面、不歧視、有實證基礎、科學準確且適齡的性教育,促進其性健康及生育健康權,進而實現聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)。為符合此一國際趨勢,我國國家教育研究院已將全面性教育之概念納入十二年國教健康與體育領域課程手冊,並展開相關研究及課程內容研發。性平協亦從民間團體的角度,積極投入全面性教育本土教學資源的研發與推廣,致力於完善全面性教育中八大核心概念的教學內容,期望推動全面性教育在我國的在地化發展。除了與鄰近亞洲國家的性教育工作者保持密切聯繫與交流外,我們也積極與美國、荷蘭及瑞典等歐美國家的性教育組織建立合作關係,將其教學資源經過適當的翻譯與轉化,引進台灣,提升我國教學資源的豐富性與多元性。
Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) is a model of sexuality education strongly advocated by the United Nations in recent years. It aims to provide minors with comprehensive, non-discriminatory, evidence-based, scientifically accurate, and age-appropriate sexual education to promote sexual and reproductive health rights, ultimately contributing to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
活動資訊 Forum Information
Friday, February 28, 2025
Taiwan Tongzhi (LGBTQ+) Hotline Association (12F, No. 70, Section 2, Roosevelt Road, Taipei City, near MRT Guting Station)
This event will provide consecutive interpretation in Chinese and English as well as teacher training hours.
活動流程 Time Table
13:30 | 報到 Register |
14:00 | 開場 Opening |
14:05 | 主題一 Topic 1 AMAZE-ing Resources: Leveraging Digital Platforms for Sexuality Education / Darcy Weaver 主題二 Topic 2 CHOICE’s Values As A Youth-Led Organisation, And Its Advocacy Work/ Yasmine Ben Abdessalem & Jessica Steffens |
15:45 | 綜合座談 Panel Discussion |
17:00 | 活動結束 Closing |
共同主辦 Co-Organizer 是 Advocates for Youth 推動的一項倡議計畫,致力於透過動畫短片,為全球年輕人提供科學準確、適齡且具吸引力的性教育內容,幫助他們獲取正確的性知識。
show more +目前,AMAZE 的影片已提供超過 70 種語言和方言版本,成為全球青少年、教育者與照護者最主要的性教育影音資源平台。AMAZE 的影片完全免費,並與非政府組織、公民社會、學校、聯合國機構及各國衛生與教育部門合作,將這些內容融入課程之中。此外,AMAZE 也提供免費資源,支援與培訓教師、家長及照護者,幫助他們更有效地推動全面性教育。 is an initiative of Advocates for Youth. AMAZE aims to empower young people globally with access to medically accurate, age-appropriate, and engaging sexuality education through short, animated videos. With videos available in over 70 languages and dialects, AMAZE has become the leading source of sexuality education videos for young people, educators, and caregivers worldwide. Our videos are free, and we work with NGOs, CSOs, schools, UN bodies and Ministries of Health and Education to integrate our content into their curriculum. We provide free resources to support and train teachers, parents and carers.
show less –自 1980 年以來,Advocates for Youth 一直與青年領袖合作,致力於確保所有年輕人的權利都可以獲得保障;並提供必要的資源,協助青年預防性傳染病、愛滋及非預期懷孕。
show more +近四十年來,Advocates for Youth 持續推動美國及開發中國家的青少年性與生殖健康計畫與政策,促進更有效的性教育與健康權益保障。
Since 1980, Advocates for Youth has worked with youth leaders to ensure that all young people’s rights are respected and that we have the tools we need to protect ourselves from STIs, HIV, and unintended pregnancy. For nearly four decades, the organization has worked tirelessly to promote effective adolescent reproductive and sexual health programs and policies in the United States and the global south.
show less –CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality 是一個由青年主導的非營利組織,其總部設於荷蘭,致力於推動全球年輕人的性與生殖健康權利(SRHR)。CHOICE 堅信,青年應站在公共政策決策的最前線。因此,他們透過支持青年倡議者,使其能夠在政策與倡議過程中進行有意義的參與,確保青年聲音被聽見、權利受到保障。
show more +CHOICE 與全球的青年組織合作,共同開發資源、提升能力,並推動交織性的人權工作方法(尤其是在 SRHR 領域),以確保年輕人的健康權利能夠被真正落實。
CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality is a youth-led organization based in the Netherlands that champions the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) of young people worldwide. Established with the belief that youth must be at the forefront of decisions affecting their lives, CHOICE empowers young advocates to engage in meaningful participation within policy and advocacy processes, ensuring their voices are amplified and their rights protected. CHOICE collaborates with youth-led and youth-focused organizations globally, working to co-create resources, facilitate capacity strengthening, and promote intersectional approaches to human rights (especially SRHR).
show less –茉莉是一位研究護理師與性教育講師,致力於推廣全面且科學的性教育,並透過自媒體與文章創作,將性知識融入日常生活,幫助大眾建立健康、正向的性觀念。茉莉小學堂的內容不僅涵蓋生理健康,也深入探討情感、關係與社會文化,努力打破性教育的禁忌。
show more +Molly is a professional Clinical Research Nurse and sex education speaker committed to promoting comprehensive, evidence-based sex education. Through digital media and content creation, she integrates sexual knowledge into everyday life, helping the public develop healthy and positive perspectives on sexuality. Her content not only covers physical health but also delves into emotions, relationships, and social culture, striving to break the taboos surrounding sex education.
show less –與談人 Panelist

楊雅捷/茉莉小學堂 Molly’s Sexual Health Classroom
性教育講師、護理師 Sex Education Instructor & Nurse
分享人 Speakers

Darcy Weaver
Associate Director,
AMAZE International at Advocates for Youth
來自美國性教育組織 AMAZE International at Advocates for Youth 的 Darcy Weaver 將分享,AMAZE 如何成為製作全面性教育教學影片的指標性品牌。AMAZE 透過製作主題豐富、適齡且引人入勝的數位性教育內容,轉化複雜的議題,使其變得易於理解且富有吸引力,成為有效的兒童性教育媒介;在創作影片時,也注重引起跨文化共鳴,並建立全球協作網絡,為世界各國的教育者、家長與倡議者提供免費且有效的教學工具。在本次的座談會中,Darcy Weaver 也將提供實用的指引,幫助教育者和倡議者有效運用這些豐富的教學資源。
In this session, Darcy will explore how AMAZE has become the leading global source of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) videos, offering free, age-appropriate, and engaging digital tools to educators, parents, and advocates worldwide. Darcy will discuss why online videos are an effective medium for sexuality education, highlighting their ability to make complex topics relatable and engaging for children. The talk will delve into AMAZE’s approach to building a global collaboration network and the strategies used to create videos that resonate across diverse cultures. Practical guidance will also be provided on how educators and advocates can effectively incorporate these resources into their work, ensuring accessibility and impact.

Yasmine Ben Abdessalem
Advocacy Coordinator,
CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality

Jessica Steffens
Resource Mobilization Coordinator,
CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality
來自荷蘭青年性與生殖健康權利(SRHR)組織 CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality 的 Yasmine Ben Abdessalem 與 Jessica Steffens 將分享,CHOICE 作為一個由青年主導的組織,如何藉由年輕化、充滿活力且具有批判性思考的方式,將青年推上國際倡議的舞台,促進全球性與生殖健康權利的進展。他們將深入探討 CHOICE 賦權青年的策略,從培養青年具備領導倡議工作的能力,到創造機會讓他們在政策制定過程中發揮真正的影響力。同時,他們也將提出一些更具挑戰性的問題,與大家共同討論——如何讓青年主導的倡議工作更加永續?如何確保倡議行動的多元共融?
What makes CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality stand out when it comes to empowering young people for advocacy? Is it their bold approach to training youth advocates? Their dedication to ensuring they never re-invent the wheel when it comes to SRHR work? Or maybe their dedication for getting young people involved in global platforms like the UN? Spoiler alert: it’s all of the above—and more!
In this presentation, we’ll dive into CHOICE’s strategies for empowering youth, from equipping them with the skills to lead advocacy outcomes to creating opportunities for meaningful participation in policy-making. We’ll also look at how CHOICE supports young people to shine on the international stage, our own experiences during advocacy events, pushing for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). But we will also ask ourselves more difficult questions—what are the challenges in making youth-led advocacy sustainable? And how do we ensure it stays truly inclusive? That’s what we will be discussing, so join us!
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