Maria Ratsch 雷沐雅實習心得

Cultural Exchange and Career Discovery: A Journey of Growth at TGEEA 文化交流與職涯發現:在 TGEEA 的成長之旅|實習心得

Written by Maria Ratsch 雷沐雅(Internship Period: April to July 2024)

Introduction 前言

During my internship at TGEEA, I learned a lot about the successes, but also the challenges, the organization is facing. I took part in many activities, did a lot of research, translated both from English into German and from Mandarin into English, and supervised English courses. This experience enhanced my understanding of the importance of gender equity and provided me with practical skills in project work and advocacy. In the following, I would like to elaborate on my experiences during this internship.

我在 TGEEA 實習期間,了解了這個組織所面臨的成功與挑戰。我參加了許多活動,做了大量研究,進行英翻德、中翻英的工作,並指導組織同仁的英文學習課程。這段經歷增強了我對性別平等重要性的認識,並為我在專案工作和倡議方面提供了實踐技能。接下來,我想詳細闡述我在這次實習中的經驗。

實習生雷沐雅帶領 TGEEA 同仁進行英文會話課

Activities and Content 實習活動與內容

The first few days were characterized by a multitude of new impressions and challenges. In addition to getting used to a new work situation, I had to adjust to a new country, climate, and people. But I was warmly welcomed into the TGEEA team right from the start. I was introduced to all the concepts and projects of the NGO and I had a few days to familiarize myself with the materials provided in the office, including YouTube videos of the organization, books of all kinds, the two board games developed by TGEEA, and many other materials provided by the NGO or others.

實習的最初幾天充滿了許多新的印象和挑戰。除了適應新的工作環境外,我還需要調整自己以融入新的國家、氣候和人群。不過,TGEEA 的團隊從一開始就熱情地歡迎了我。他們對我介紹了這個組織的所有基本理念和專案項目,並有幾天的時間來熟悉辦公室提供的資料,包括 YouTube 影片、各種書籍、TGEEA開發的兩款桌遊,以及其他 NGO 或單位提供的許多素材。

TGEEA 研發的校園霸凌議題桌遊《魔法學園》

In May, I took part in CSE training on a few Saturdays, which serves to teach comprehensive sex education and goes far beyond simply imparting knowledge about biological sexuality. We talked about topics such as gender stereotypes, gender assumptions, sexism, digital violence, toxic masculinity, and body autonomy. Even though I didn’t always understand everything due to the language barrier, it was always a good exercise for me throughout the three-month internship to practice my listening comprehension and use translation tools to deal with the topics discussed. These sessions also inspired me in some cases for the topics of my English presentations.

五月的幾個星期六,我參加了「CSE 種子培訓課程」,這些課程的目的是教授全面的性教育,而不僅僅是傳授有關生理的知識。我們討論了例如性別刻板印象、性別預設、性別歧視、數位暴力、有毒男子氣概或身體自主等話題。雖然因為語言隔閡,我並不是總能理解所有內容,但在為期三個月的實習期間,練習聽力並使用翻譯工具幫助我理解所討論的話題,對我來說是一個很好的練習。這些課程在某些情況下,也啟發了我英文演講的主題。

2024 年 TGEEA 辦理「CSE 全面性教育種子培訓課程」

Soon we were talking about the planned English lessons, the methodology, the learning objectives, and the topics behind them. There were hardly any limits; the content was to be related to the NGO’s work in the broadest sense, and regarding the participants help was needed in expanding vocabulary and listening comprehension. This task helped me in many ways: The weekly preparation and design of presentations as well as speaking freely gave me more practice and experience in this field of activity, which I tended to avoid at university. The comfortable working environment actually helped me to find pleasure in it. It also allowed me to improve my language skills, especially in English, but also in Mandarin, as I often wrote the Taiwanese translation in my presentations to help the participants understand clearly.

很快地,我們就開始討論預定好的工作同仁英文課程,包含方法、學習目標及其背後的主題。課程的主題可以涵蓋與 NGO 工作有關的各種話題,幾乎沒有任何範疇的限制。對於參與者(協會工作同仁)來說,他們需要幫助來擴展英文詞彙量和提升聽力理解能力。這項任務對我有許多方面的幫助:每週準備、設計簡報以及即興發言,讓我在這個領域有了更多的實踐和經驗,而這些都是過去我在大學裡比較不會參與的工作。舒適的工作環境讓我樂在其中,還讓我提升了語言技能,尤其是英文,但也包括中文,因為我經常在我的簡報寫上中文翻譯,以幫助參與者清楚理解。

實習生雷沐雅帶領 TGEEA 同仁進行英文會話課

Lastly, and most importantly, it allowed me to revisit a topic of my choice every week and get questions answered. During these English lessons, for example, the stereotyping of gender roles in German and Taiwanese fables and the incongruence of the ‘modern’ and ‘traditional’ concept of masculinity were discussed. In addition, the media representation of the LGBTQ+ community in Taiwan and worldwide as well as digital violence and its effects on students were dealt with. During these lessons, I was able to clarify numerous questions that helped me narrow down the topic for my thesis. The collaboration was beneficial for both sides: the participants were able to improve their English skills, while I benefited from their professional knowledge.

最重要的是,這讓我每週都可以重溫一個我選擇的主題並獲得解答。例如,在這些英文課程中,我們討論了德國和台灣童話故事中的性別刻板印象,以及「現代」和「傳統」男子氣概的不一致性。此外,還討論了台灣和全球 LGBTQ+ 社群的媒體呈現,以及數位暴力對學生的影響。在這些課程中,我能夠釐清許多問題,幫助我聚焦論文主題的範圍。這種合作對雙方都有益:參與者能夠提高他們的英文技能,而我則從他們的專業知識中受益。

實習生雷沐雅帶領 TGEEA 同仁進行英文會話課

During my internship, I did a lot of shadowing and was excited to participate in new activities. For example, I sometimes helped design and run public booths where we handed out flyers and merchandise and talked about the organization’s goals and projects. These projects also included several small book clubs, often held right in the office and led by a TGEEA member. Adults (and children) could sign up online to read and discuss selected books on a particular topic. An example of such a theme is “Pink is for Boys,” which encouraged children to question gender stereotypes at a young age.

在我的實習期間,我做了很多觀摩並很高興參加新的活動。例如,我有時會幫助設計和運營公共展位,發放傳單和商品,並介紹組織的目標和專案。這些專案包括幾個小型讀書會,通常就在辦公室內舉行,由 TGEEA 成員主持。成人(和孩子)可以在網路上報名,閱讀和討論特定主題的選書。例如,《粉紅色影子的男孩》(Pink Is for Boys)這本書的主題鼓勵孩子們從小思考並挑戰性別刻板印象。

Additionally, I was asked to do some translation work. I translated the manuals for the two board games into German. I also did a translation of a TGEEA YouTube video from Mandarin to English, in order to make the content more understandable for an international audience. This task has also helped me to develop my language skills and strengthen my communication skills in an international context.

此外,我還被要求進行一些翻譯工作。我將兩款桌遊的手冊翻譯成德語。我還將一段 TGEEA 的 YouTube 影片從中文翻譯成英文,以便讓國際觀眾更好理解。這項工作也幫助我提升了語言能力,並加強了我在國際環境中的溝通能力。

實習生雷沐雅協助翻譯 TGEEA 議題影片

As TGEEA also cooperates with other NGOs, including Amnesty International (AI) Taiwan, I even had the opportunity to see Lee Ming-cheh, a famous activist, at the press conference and opening of an AI Taiwan exhibition. I also attended a meeting with Amnesty International South Korea where they first introduced the NGO TGEEA and then they considered how the Gender Equity Education Act (GEEA) could theoretically be implemented in South Korea. It was exciting for me to take part in activities that collaborated with Amnesty International, as it is the largest human rights organization in the world and I was able to gain even more insight into this professional field.

由於 TGEEA 還與其他非政府組織合作,包括國際特赦組織 (AI) 台灣分會,我甚至有機會在 AI 的記者會(暗夜燭光—國際特赦組織台灣分會 30 週年展)上見到著名的社運工作者李明哲。我還參加了與國際特赦組織韓國分會的一次會議,他們首先介紹了非政府組織 TGEEA,然後探討了《性別平等教育法》(GEEA)可能如何在韓國實施。參加與國際特赦組織合作的活動對我來說是令人興奮的,因為它是世界上最大的人權組織,透過這些活動,我能夠對這個專業領域有更多的瞭解。


I also attended an ‘English Networking Day’ held at a library in the evening, where members from various NGOs gathered to discuss the challenges faced by their respective organizations in English. This event was both enjoyable and a strong reminder of how active and engaged the activist community in Taipei is.

我還在某個夜晚參加了一個「英文交流日」 ,來自各 NGO 的成員聚集一堂,用英文討論各自組織面臨的挑戰。這次活動讓我再次深刻感受到台北的社運社群是多麼地活躍且積極投入。

「16 週讓台灣倡議人自信跟國際夥伴交流」英文交流日(左轉有書)

Apart from the tasks and activities already mentioned, I used the spare time to research various topics such as the Gender Equity Education Act (GEEA), the regulations on the death penalty in Taiwan, the political structures, the draft of antidiscrimination law, historical events such as the Sunflower Movement and the Wild Lily Movement, the queer scene in Taiwan, and the legalization of same-sex marriage. I am confident to say that I made good use of my time to expand my knowledge of different areas of Taiwan.


Acquired Skills 實習中獲得的技能

Combining a three-month internship with a trip to another country was a valuable opportunity for me to gain experience and broaden and deepen my knowledge in various fields. Planning the trip and internship before I arrived allowed me to improve my organizational skills and independently gain more knowledge about Taiwan’s diversity, history, and politics. The internship at TGEEA also helped me improve my English and Mandarin skills. By attending the CSE trainings, I have also learned a lot about how teachers in Taiwan are taught gender-sensitive education, the methods they use to teach, and other social issues. I also gained more practice and confidence by creating and preparing presentations in English and translating texts and dialogues.

將三個月的實習和出國旅行結合,對我來說是一個可獲得經驗、擴展和深化我在各領域知識的寶貴機會。在來台前規劃旅行和實習計畫的過程中,使我提高了組織能力並自主獲取了更多關於台灣多樣性、歷史和政治的知識。在 TGEEA 的實習還幫助我提高了我的英文和中文能力。透過參加 CSE 種子培訓,我還學到了很多關於台灣教師如何進行具有性別意識的教育、使用的教學方法以及其他社會議題。我還透過製作和準備英文簡報及翻譯文本和對話,獲得了更多的練習和自信。

日本外賓參訪 TGEEA 辦公室

Overall, I was able to gain a lot of impressions at TGEEA about working in a socially committed NGO and its different areas of responsibility and activities. The TGEEA’s efforts to monitor the implementation of gender equity and related laws made me aware of the lack of a similar regulation in Germany and inspired me to write my thesis on the implementation of the Gender Equity Education Act (GEEA).

整體來說,我對於在一個社會責任感強的 NGO 中工作,有了很多新的體會和見解,並且了解了該組織在不同領域的責任和活動內容。TGEEA 努力監督性別平等及相關法律的實施,讓我意識到德國缺乏類似的法規,並激發了我撰寫關於落實性別平等教育法(GEEA)相關的論文靈感。

Conclusion 結論

The internship at TGEEA has definitely helped me to orientate myself with regard to my professional future. The regular team meetings, where all upcoming decisions were made jointly in plenary sessions, demonstrated to me the value of flat hierarchies, which I now consider essential for my future career.

在 TGEEA 的實習確實幫助我在職業未來找到了方向。在定期的團體會議中,所有即將進行的決策都是由整個團隊共同討論並達成共識,這讓我看到了扁平化層級結構的價值,這樣的工作方式是我未來職業選擇中的一個關鍵因素。

TGEEA 工作會議

I continue to benefit greatly from the activities we undertook together and the new experiences and skills I acquired. Engaging with the NGO’s topics has broadened my knowledge and my horizons, inspiring me to tackle similar projects in Berlin, either as part of an internship or by joining similar organizations.

我持續從和大家共同參與的活動以及獲得的新經驗和技能中受益良多。參與 NGO 的議題拓展了我的知識和視野,並啟發我之後在柏林開展類似的專案——作為實習的一部分,或者是加入類似的組織。

Throughout my time at TGEEA, I always felt very comfortable and welcome. I truly felt like a full member of the organization, which greatly enhanced my overall experience.

在 TGEEA 的時間裡,我總是感覺非常舒適和受到歡迎。我真切地感覺到自己像是組織的一個正式成員,這大大增強了我的整體體驗。


In conclusion, this internship not only provided me with practical skills and professional orientation, but also deeply influenced my perspective on community work and social activism. It has motivated me to continue working on gender issues in Berlin, and I hope to incorporate the experience I gained here into my future career.


